I am an Introvert. Will I be able to achieve my dreams ever?

Ankit Dev
5 min readAug 8, 2020

I always ask this question to myself — Will I be able to achieve ever the dreams I have because most of my dreams require doing things which I fear the most.

Image Source : Pexels - An Image by Andrea Piacquadio

My dreams include —

  • Talking in front of a huge audience in TED Talks or in seminars or in Webinars (most popular right now) but put 10 people in front of me and I am blank (although I am trying hard to overcome this). Suddenly I transform to Pre Homo Habilis era human(1.8 mn years back) when people didn’t know a language and wonder how beautiful it would be if we discover a language rather than keeping thoughts in our mind.
  • Running a business. Which again needs you to fight a lot, manage internal as well as external people(toughest task ever), getting things done and all this while not being cheated (unlikely in current human race).
  • Helping people. Although this seems easy but this is the toughest one. I have seen that a lot of people fool you. They play with your emotions. They make you believe that they are in need when they are not and believe me its very easy to convince an emotional person. Lots of such events have made me question myself when I am helping someone- Am I doing right? as it’s not a good feeling to know that someone has again made a fool of you.

All these of my dreams seem me very difficult to achieve because as per the personality theory - I fall in Introvert category.

An Introvert Personality (Image Source : Google Images)


  • I speak less.
  • I do not like social life much.
  • I love being with myself.
  • I love being realistic.
  • I do not personally like to talk non-sense(although people do and they should do).
  • I observe people a lot with their actions and most of the time those observations are right.
  • I keep learning about new things.
  • I empathize with people.

All these traits seem fine to me but don’t know why people do not see introverts achieving the type of dreams I have. They do not see introverts as dynamics, they don’t see me achieving something big in life. It shakes my confidence too in myself (which is already not so high, being an introvert).

Lots of people see me as a fool (although they tell me often on my face that I am very much intelligent but behind my back…. yeah you guessed it right). Most of the people take benefit of me and it doesn’t seem me wrong as being an introvert it’s one of my traits- I love helping people.

And it’s not like that I do not praise people who are opposite to me. I like people with opposite personality a lot. I always try to sit in between people from other personality type to learn something from them but sometimes (no often) it becomes boring and unbearable for me to listen and participate in irrelevant discussions.

So I was told this long back in 2006 by one of my teacher when I was in High School that I am an introvert. That was my first introduction with my personality type.

Now fast forward into 2020 I took a personality test to have an in-depth analysis of my personality type which was a part of my assignment given by my digital mentor (and I am thankful to him to give me this assignment) and as expected this website (16personalities.com) also didn’t have a different view. Even it went a step ahead and had a little more to offer —

As per the website there are 16 type of people and INFJ was the result of my personality test.

I- Introvert, N- Intuitive, F- Feeling, J- Judging

Image Source : Pexels — Startup Stock Photos

It took them more than 10 pages to explain the personality which they claim, is only 10% of what they know in total. Remaining 90% they will tell to premium clients only.

Their 10% explanation about my personality suggest me to not put myself in corporate circle. They suggested me to choose following roles as a career —

  • Psychologist (looks good to me, sometime I think of myself like them)
  • Doctor (need a lot of money and efforts to be a doctor)
  • Counselor (Counselling myself these days)
  • Life Coaches (This seems awesome — Life Coach. Let me first achieve something to teach others)

So these are the profession what I should be and as per them one profession I should not be in, is — Salesperson (which I am and how I become Salesperson that’s a story for another day).

Now I feel I am little late to take this personality test, it would have been better to assess my personality at an age of 18–21 years and choose profession accordingly to get good results but nevertheless I am a little proud of myself for whatever I have achieved till now and I will keep transforming myself until I become something which I love.

I promise that I will keeping pushing myself to achieve my dreams and you’ll see me speaking at webinars, TED Talks, hosting events and doing much more.

To improve myself and make ready for world, first I have started to express myself. As a part of that, recently I have started my website www.bluesuggest.com to suggest some good products and services.

Also I have pledged to write at least 500 words everyday which would expand my thoughts and help me to express myself in a better way.

So All Medium guys, you beautiful community, keep reminding me and challenging me till the time you see my name in the newsletter you read.



Ankit Dev

Hey, This is Ankit — An unconventional Sales guy. I love finding problems and ways to fix them. Learning Time Management and Product Management right now.